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Config file

Configuration file

It can be very handy to have save some attributes in a JSON file (which is human readable) so vipickle helps you with that :

from vipickle import VIPicklable

class MyClass(VIPicklable):
    CONFIG_ITEMS = ["param"]

    def __init__(self):
        self.param = 0.1

When a MyClass is saved thanks to the save method, a config.json is created with all specified attributes

>>> obj = MyClass()
    "param": 0.1

VIPicklable have a configurations dict property that contains all attributes listed in CONFIG_ITEMS


Just like the attribute PICKLE_BLACKLIST, CONFIG_ITEMS will be inherited by all subclasses.

It would be annoying to redefine CONFIG_ITEMS in each subclasses to add or remove some attributes from the list so vipickle introduce two class attributes for doing so


class MySubClass(MyClass):
    CONFIG_ITEMS_ADD = ["another_config_attribute"]

    def __init__(self):
        super(MySubClass, self).__init__()
        self.another_config_attribute = "param"


class MySubSubClass(MySubClass):
    CONFIG_ITEMS_REMOVE = ["another_config_attribute"]


If CONFIG_ITEMS is present, neither CONFIG_ITEMS_ADD nor CONFIG_ITEMS_REMOVE will be taken into account